Glide is currently under development and the docs are updated frequently.

🐦 What is Glide?

Glide is a cloud-native LLM gateway, delivering high-performance LLMOps in a lightweight package. Glide provides a simplified way to build application resilience, reduce latency, and manage API keys among many other features.

Install and Deploy πŸ‘‡

Setup Config File

A single model setup is not recommended for production deployments.

The initial phase in deploying Glide involves setting up your configuration file in the project root. For the basic setup, it is essential to have at least one pool with a minimum of one model.

    - id: my-chat-router
      strategy: priority
        - id: primary
            api_key: "XXXXXXXXX"


Currently the only supported deployment is via container.


  1. Install Git: Ensure that Git is installed on your machine. You can download it from Git’s official website.

  2. Clone the Repository: Open a terminal or command prompt and paste the code below:

    git clone
  3. Build Docker Image:

Create a Dockerfile in the project root. Below is a sample.

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1

FROM golang:1.22rc1-alpine3.19

# Set destination for COPY

# Download Go modules
COPY go.mod go.sum ./
RUN go mod download

# Copy the source code. Note the slash at the end, as explained in
COPY . ./

# Build
RUN go build -o ./dist/glide

# Update HostPort in pkg/api/http/config.go to Eventually this will be specified in the config file.
EXPOSE 9099 

# Run 
# replace with the name of the config file in root
CMD ["./dist/glide", "-c", "./config.yaml"] 

Now that you have a Dockerfile, build the container.

docker build -t <image_name> .
  1. Deploy: Deploy the image to your prefered image hosting platform.

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